Thursday, April 30, 2009


It must be possum season in the road kill hunting world. On the way to work I have seen several this week. But I saw one that was sitting up and looking over something. I didn't look dead, but more dazed or stunned. I got thinking that the possum is a nocturnal creature and normally aren't seen in the day much. I had a "twilight" vision of it getting caught at sunrise in that position and being stuck until nightfall. Or maybe is had car lights shine on it and it got that "possum caught in the headlights" look. When we are out of our comfort zone we get the same way. I'm a firm believer that Christianity in America is about comfort. Lord protect us, keep us safe, provide for us, heal us. Do you ever ask God to put you in a place where you will need Him more? I also believe that to many, Christianity is about control. Keep God in a box. (It's all cool unless someone unleashes the charismatic gifts.) Sadly too, we have made our faith an intellectual property. Something explainable and debatable that we can think on, but seldom act on. These kind of thoughts make a lot of pew dwellers nervous. Many of us get paralyzed, dazed or confused when we get uncomfortable. That might be good because when we are too scared to move; God can and does. When everything is right we don't feel like we need God. Let something go wrong and we are on the hot line to him. Back to the possum . Possums have the ability to make you think they are dead. It is called playing possum. When danger is near they kick into this mode. As children of light (God's kids), when we are in a place of darkness we should freeze. When were are in places where sin is the only option we should stop our steps and do what it takes to move back into the light. God, through Christ, has brought us from death to life. We shouldn't be playing possum when it come to living for Christ. We should be seeking God and his will constantly. We should be LIVING for God constantly. HAPPY HUNTING.

1 comment:

Alex U. said...

i like this one a lot. We need to step out of our comfort zones and let God truly work in our lives.