Thursday, April 2, 2009


I have spent a large portion of the last week consumed with countdowns. (cue the music- band=Euorpe, sound= The Final Countdown) We were trying to put a 24 hour countdown on the screen for our 24/7 event last weekend to let kids know how much time was left. Ever-able Carter figured one out, but it wasn't good enough for me because I wanted our logo on it. I enjoy marketing and advertising and branding is important to me. I tried lots of things and finally figured it out. Consequently I put a countdown on our Ground Zero Design Blog (it is private, sorry) and have been wondering how else to use them.

We live in a countdown. From birth we are counting down to death. The earth growns (counts down) for the return of Christ. Unfortunately we can't see the numbers. Nobody knows the day or the hour of Christ's return or of our own death. But we are told to be ready. That means we should let our brand be seen. We represent Christ. We are sons and daughters of God. Let the world know it.

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