Tuesday, April 15, 2008


I called my mom the other night to check in. She asked what I was watching, because she was watching the Democratic Candidates talk smack at Messiah College in Pennsylvania. She wasn't really interested in what they had to say, she was just trying to catch a glimpse. You see, my sister is on the Board of trustees for Messiah, and she and her husband had prime seats at the debate, so mom was watching to see if she could see my sister. I have thought for years that if God were to come to town, you'd be unable to find a parking place because everyone, (probably some atheists too) would be there to catch a glimpse. The awesome thing is that we have one. Colossians 1:15 tells us that Jesus is the visible image of the invisible God. Want to catch a glimpse of God? Read the Gospels and check out Jesus. Then go live your life so that when people see you, they see a glimpse of God.

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