Tuesday, March 11, 2008


Maybe you saw it, maybe you didn't, but CBS' 60 minutes had a feature about the millennial generation recently. The angle was how this generation is impacting the work place and the management shift they require. It noted how the parents of this generation will call employers to voice their dissatisfaction with their child's employment evaluation. Some "helicopter parents" have even hounded college professors because their child didn't get an A on a paper. The blame for it all is placed on the fact that in this day and age every kid is special, gets a trophy, and is stroked from birth to build their self-esteem. While most of us over 30 are tempted to think that nothing like this ever happened prior to the millennials, maybe we should examine Matthew 20:20-23. Mrs. Zebedee, proud mother of James and John, asks Jesus to let her little boys sit on his left and right in His Kingdom. While we may laugh at the audacity of a new generation, the truth is that there is a sin nature that is as old as the world in all of us that wants to be treated with privelege. The challenge for all of us, no matter our generation, to get of our self important high horse and die to our selfish bent. The person who loses his life will find it!

1 comment:

FindThe01 said...

Great scripture example! I wonder if the Sons of Thunder were texting during the Sermon on the Mount.