Tuesday, January 22, 2008


I don't have a face book account, there I've admitted it! But as I was browsing with my wonderful and gorgeous wife, who has one, I came away with feelings of disappointment. You see we were looking at profiles of students present and past, who were or are deeply involved in our ministry and I saw content that made me wonder...do they really get it? I'm not the judge and I have to remember that, but I have to wonder why we as humans have so many faces. My thought is, if you don't have it all together then don't act like it on Sundays. Be yourself and soak up the grace and mercy God wants to give. Hopefully the body of Christ will extend that to you. I believe the kingdom is better served when we are transparent. It sure makes it easier to mourn with those who mourn and laugh with those who laugh! Don't say one thing in your profile and another with the content on your page. Scripture lays it out, you are for God or your not. To be honest, a lot of days I'm stuck somewhere in between, but I know the goal is to be for Him and I cherish the grace when I have two faces.


FindThe01 said...

Well put. It's so hard to convey God's grace to those who are pretending that they don't need it.

Anonymous said...

One thing I like about our young people is that they are real. Why is it that when we get old (like me), we pick up this second face. We become so focused on what the world thinks of us. Over the past couple of years that as long as I am doing the next right thing, it does not matter what people think of me. I can't control that anyway. I do care what God thinks and work real hard to stay in contact with him. I fall down and get back up. Grace upon Grace.